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In the medical field, tubing plays a crucial role in various procedures and applications. From drug delivery to assisted ventilation, its integrity and functionality are essential for patient safety and well-being. In this context, medical tubing coiling assumes critical importance, directly influencing its storage and use.

Benefits of Proper Coiling:

  • Optimal Storage: Correct coiling protects tubing from physical damage, such as bending, crushing, or scratches, which could compromise their integrity and functionality.
  • Facilitating Packaging and Transport: An efficient coiling system optimizes packaging and facilitates product transport, reducing the risk of damage during handling.
  • Improving Ergonomics and Operator Activities: Ergonomic coiling facilitates tubing handling by operators, making operations faster and more repeatable.

There are different systems for medical tubing coiling, each with its own advantages and specific characteristics. The choice of the most suitable system depends on various factors, including the type of tubing, dimensions, packaging, and transport requirements. Automatic tubing coiling undoubtedly offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency, productivity, and repeatability compared to manual coiling.

Benefits of Automatic Tubing Coiling:

  • Increased Coiling Speed: Automatic coilers can perform coiling much faster than a manual operation, freeing up valuable time for operators and increasing productivity.
  • Reduced Waste: Thanks to greater repeatability in terms of tubing length and coiling dimensions, an automatic coiling system allows an optimization of material use, minimizing waste of tubing and other consumables.
  • Greater Precision and Control: Automatic coilers guarantee uniform and precise coiling, avoiding tangles that could compromise the quality of tubing and its subsequent processing.

It is important to rely on experienced and reliable suppliers who can offer customized solutions for medical tubing coiling, in order to ensure that medical tubing is always coiled safely and correctly, thus contributing to the safety and effectiveness of the finished medical device or semi-finished product.

A UNO TEC has extensive experience in medical tubing coiling systems and solutions, know-how that has led us over the years to design specific machines studied for coiling medical grade tubing.


Curious to know about our tubing coiling solutions? Contact us to learn more.